Group13 Proposal
Economic Growth And Climate Change
Main Objectives
Through our analysis, we hope to address the following:
1. Provide a visual representation of crime statistics: Through our visual dashboard, we can provide a one stop view for the exploratory analysis of crime stats. The user will be able to view, compare and analyse crime stats based on type of crime, location, time of day, duration of crimes, Complete/incomplete crimes, and crimes occurring in parks and subway stations.
2. Develop a Predictive Policing Visual Tool: With an extensive NYPD crime data at our disposal, we can utilize it for creating a predictive model. For our predictive model, we will be adopting an Epidemic-Type Aftershock Sequence Model for Crime Prediction. The ETAS model will utilize past crime data such as location, time of day and type of crime to predict hotspot locations for future crimes based on probability values. We aim to visualize our findings to help assist law enforcement agencies for strategic or tactical action.
Visualization Tools
For our analysis, we propose to do interactive visualization using Tableau, R, and Python. Below is a list of tools, we will try to explore for our analysis:
- Gephi
- R-Shiny
- Tidyverse
- Plotly
Dataset Description
Data Dictionary