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<font size="5"><font color="#373f51">'''Conclusion'''</font></font>
<font size="5"><font color="#373f51">'''Conclusion'''</font></font>
<b>Top 3 patterns</b>
<b>What anomalies do you find in the waterway samples dataset? How do these affect your analysis of potential problems to the environment? Is the Hydrology Department collecting sufficient data to understand the comprehensive situation across the Preserve? What changes would you propose to make in the sampling approach to best understand the situation? Your submission for this question should contain no more than 6 images and 500 words.
After reviewing the data, do any of your findings cause particular concern for the Pipit or other wildlife? Would you suggest any changes in the sampling strategy to better understand the waterways situation in the Preserve? Your submission for this question should contain no more than 6 images and 500 words.</b>
1) The trespassing service trucks we identified in 12.1. As explained, the movements by the trucks were the most suspicious among all the anomalies discovered. Further investigations are recommended to be conducted to find out what were they transporting in or out of the preserve – whatever it was, it would not be good for the preserve. Even the truck drivers were not hunting the birds directly, they might be transporting certain things that are harmful to the natural environments in the preserve, which in turn would affect the birds’ habitats.
1) There were some anomalies found in the dataset and it is not certain whether these are due to errors with the sensor, or if the actual reading was true. For example, the methylosmolene readings were very high at Somchair. However, since the values did not change over time, and Somchair is not in close proximity to the location of the waste dumping, it is safe to assume that there is a problem with the sensor at the Somchair station.  
2) The long stay duration car ID 20154519024544-322. This car recorded 281 visits to 10 gates, which shows a very suspicious loitering behavior. It could be moving around the preserve searching for something, could be the birds!
2) The hydrology department is collecting sufficient data in terms of the number of chemicals covered. There are 106 chemicals covered in the data, since 1998. One change that could be made to the sampling approach to best understand the environmental impact across the preserve would be to categorize the different measures into those which are good for the environment, and those which are detrimental. It would also be good to have a benchmark for each measure so that it is made known what is the acceptable level of a specific chemical present in the soil. In addition, samples should be taken regularly. The sensor readings in the dataset are currently very patchy, which consistent data collected during certain time periods, and then missing data in other time periods. In order to understand the trends for a particular contaminant that could potentially have a big impact on the environment, regular, accurate, consistent and reliable sensor readings are required.
3) The movement of service trucks and sightseeing guests/coaches all night long. We observed that unlike the campers, the service trucks and sightseeing coaches move along the connecting paths all night long, going from one side of the preserve to another. The constant traffic at night might be a nuisance to the birds’ life, and caused the birds to migrate to other quieter places outside the preserve.
<br>Besides the possible caused identified above, there is another area of concern – the fixed patrolling routine of the rangers. In our path analysis, we noticed that the rangers are working on fixed patrolling routes. It would be relatively easier for people with evil intentions to observe the patrolling routes and schedule, and plan their activities accordingly to avoid being caught. This might be a potential threat to the natural life in the preserve.

Revision as of 23:50, 8 July 2018

Asael-pena-482153-unsplash.jpg VAST Challenge 2018 MC2: Suspense at the Wildlife Preserve


Methodology & Dashboard Design





What anomalies do you find in the waterway samples dataset? How do these affect your analysis of potential problems to the environment? Is the Hydrology Department collecting sufficient data to understand the comprehensive situation across the Preserve? What changes would you propose to make in the sampling approach to best understand the situation? Your submission for this question should contain no more than 6 images and 500 words. After reviewing the data, do any of your findings cause particular concern for the Pipit or other wildlife? Would you suggest any changes in the sampling strategy to better understand the waterways situation in the Preserve? Your submission for this question should contain no more than 6 images and 500 words.

1) There were some anomalies found in the dataset and it is not certain whether these are due to errors with the sensor, or if the actual reading was true. For example, the methylosmolene readings were very high at Somchair. However, since the values did not change over time, and Somchair is not in close proximity to the location of the waste dumping, it is safe to assume that there is a problem with the sensor at the Somchair station.

2) The hydrology department is collecting sufficient data in terms of the number of chemicals covered. There are 106 chemicals covered in the data, since 1998. One change that could be made to the sampling approach to best understand the environmental impact across the preserve would be to categorize the different measures into those which are good for the environment, and those which are detrimental. It would also be good to have a benchmark for each measure so that it is made known what is the acceptable level of a specific chemical present in the soil. In addition, samples should be taken regularly. The sensor readings in the dataset are currently very patchy, which consistent data collected during certain time periods, and then missing data in other time periods. In order to understand the trends for a particular contaminant that could potentially have a big impact on the environment, regular, accurate, consistent and reliable sensor readings are required.
