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<div style="background:#000000; border:#002060; padding-left:15px; text-align:left;">   
<div style="background:#000000; border:#002060; padding-left:15px; text-align:left;">   
<font size = 3; color="#FFFFFF"><span style="font-family:Century Gothic;">TEST</span></font>   
<font size = 3; color="#FFFFFF"><span style="font-family:Century Gothic;">Brief Introduction</span></font>   
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean ut diam et odio auctor varius. Integer auctor, est nec pharetra egestas, ex orci scelerisque ante, id vehicula velit augue sed massa. Etiam nisl nisl, viverra suscipit risus in, vehicula luctus diam. Suspendisse volutpat condimentum molestie. Pellentesque ut nibh tempus, viverra neque et, pretium ante. Aenean vitae varius sapien. In diam nulla, porta id ipsum non, fermentum ullamcorper arcu. Pellentesque elit sem, vestibulum non mi nec, consectetur blandit ligula. Vivamus non erat mi. Phasellus viverra odio sapien, eleifend bibendum ex pretium sit amet. Sed eleifend nec nisi a finibus. Proin tempor sapien purus, vel consectetur magna ultricies et. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Curabitur massa dui, maximus a nibh sed, pulvinar sagittis odio.
Transportation was always important be it in Singapore or other countries, in the past present or future. There are a couple of public transportation exist in Singapore; taxis, Singapore Bus Service Transit buses (SBS) or Mass Rapid Transit (MRT). However, this project will mainly focus on bus transportation method in Singapore.
Buses forms a significant part of public transport in Singapore, Singapore's bus system has an extensive network of routes covering most places in Singapore, with over 3.9 million rides taken per day on average as of 2016, and is the most economical way to get around, as well as being one of the most scenic.
There are more than 300 scheduled bus services, operated by SBS Transit, SMRT Buses, Tower Transit Singapore and Go-Ahead Singapore. The newest bus operator, Go-Ahead Singapore started operation from 4 September 2016. There are also around 4,600 buses currently in operation.
<div style="background:#000000; border:#002060; padding-left:15px; text-align:left;">   
<div style="background:#000000; border:#002060; padding-left:15px; text-align:left;">   
<font size = 3; color="#FFFFFF"><span style="font-family:Century Gothic;">TEST</span></font>   
<font size = 3; color="#FFFFFF"><span style="font-family:Century Gothic;">Motivation</span></font>   
Nulla finibus velit nec ligula condimentum, laoreet scelerisque sem auctor. Suspendisse fermentum est sed lorem dignissim, ut sodales elit sagittis. Nunc suscipit orci eu volutpat tristique. Nulla blandit dignissim urna. In nec tincidunt diam, sed euismod diam. Sed sed sodales ante. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nunc fringilla a tortor non consectetur.
Public transportation plays a cardinal role in escalating the mobility, prosperity and connectivity of a community. The more the people are satisfied with the public transportation, the more they tend to use it. The more the people use public transportation, the higher are the chances of them not buying a personal vehicle. The higher the chances of people not buying a personal vehicle, the lesser we will see cars running on the road. The lesser the cars running on the road the lesser will be the pollution generated. So, If we look at the macro picture, we see that not only the society gets affected with public transportation system but also the whole world. And, everything then comes down to the satisfaction level of the people using it.
Our objective in taking up this project is to improve the efficiency and optimize the current Singapore bus route, and most importantly to increase the passenger satisfaction. If we are successfully able to determine the  ways to split the buses that have very long travelling time, not only we will be able to reduce travelling time,but we will also able to reduce overcrowding problem that currently Singapore buses have.
Also, if we successfully map the current bus route that pass through multiple stops in that area, we will be able to show LTA that there are still more rooms for improvement to increase customer satisfaction.
<div style="background:#000000; border:#002060; padding-left:15px; text-align:left;">   
<div style="background:#000000; border:#002060; padding-left:15px; text-align:left;">   
<font size = 3; color="#FFFFFF"><span style="font-family:Century Gothic;">TEST</span></font>   
<font size = 3; color="#FFFFFF"><span style="font-family:Century Gothic;">Issues and Problem</span></font>   
Donec arcu est, finibus ut augue at, fringilla aliquet nibh. Praesent a tempus ligula, nec semper ipsum. Nullam vitae ligula nec lectus iaculis sagittis vitae a neque. Quisque eu ante quis nisi interdum dapibus. Suspendisse fermentum diam quis metus mattis, nec vehicula nibh vulputate. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus suscipit est non arcu efficitur, id ultricies elit consequat. Aenean aliquet tortor vitae dignissim dignissim. Aliquam in nibh lobortis, varius sapien a, pharetra nibh. Fusce tempus, nisi pellentesque volutpat euismod, velit lectus volutpat sem, elementum dignissim lacus eros sit amet sem. Aliquam a risus aliquet, molestie nisi eu, laoreet tellus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nam ligula mi, vehicula mattis tempus id, molestie eu lacus. Morbi sagittis augue nec elit ultricies porta commodo a libero. Curabitur auctor dui a ligula dignissim congue. Aliquam erat volutpat.
<div style="background:#000000; border:#002060; padding-left:15px; text-align:left;"> 
<font size = 3; color="#FFFFFF"><span style="font-family:Century Gothic;">TEST</span></font> 
Integer condimentum tempor ex vitae luctus. Nunc ac pretium turpis. Etiam consectetur dictum dolor, ut congue mauris. Nullam elementum tristique congue. Sed ut vestibulum magna, sit amet consectetur risus. Vestibulum sagittis feugiat erat, sit amet accumsan ipsum laoreet ut. Quisque mattis rutrum maximus. Suspendisse vel turpis placerat, sagittis leo varius, tincidunt leo. Vivamus a sem posuere, tristique ligula ut, fringilla justo. In odio lorem, porta ut lacus in, efficitur gravida massa. Mauris semper nisl at turpis scelerisque laoreet. Suspendisse potenti. Praesent vel tellus elementum, cursus nisi eu, ultrices urna.
Some of the buses have too long traveling time in one routes. Usually this type of bus has 2 routes, circling around the area, then transit into highway into another area. This type of bus route can cause overcrowding in a bus, and passenger alighting at the end of the circle before the transit will be stuck with overcrowding. (need to be further explained)
Other problem that Singapore bus currently have is there are buses that do not stop in bus stops even though they are inside the bus coverage routes. This can create problem for elderly passenger (or passenger in special needs) as the passenger needs to walk to the other bus stops even though there are bus stops near the passenger place that the bus pass through. (need to be further explained)
<div style="background:#000000; border:#002060; padding-left:15px; text-align:left;">   
<div style="background:#000000; border:#002060; padding-left:15px; text-align:left;">   
<font size = 3; color="#FFFFFF"><span style="font-family:Century Gothic;">TEST</span></font>   
<font size = 3; color="#FFFFFF"><span style="font-family:Century Gothic;">Challenges</span></font>   
Nulla tincidunt enim non lectus iaculis venenatis a vitae mi. Phasellus fermentum, neque a commodo sollicitudin, nisi turpis iaculis nunc, eget luctus eros nibh sodales lorem. Mauris eget dolor vitae dolor congue sollicitudin. Quisque hendrerit justo in semper aliquam. Praesent mi erat, bibendum eget mauris quis, blandit venenatis odio. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Quisque malesuada est a consequat tempor. Donec iaculis aliquam quam. Aliquam tempor lacus quis massa aliquam, non varius risus porttitor. Sed scelerisque pulvinar nisi in imperdiet. Praesent quis orci volutpat, pretium purus non, lobortis risus.'
Some of the challenges that we will encountered in this project:<br>
#<b>Finding appropriate longest route with longer time.</b><br>This is not only a road block but the first stepping stone. As the we aim to optimize the bus routes we need to spot the longest routes with the longer time.  Once we are done with this we can investigate further on how close the bus stops are on the way and  how can we decrease the the time taken by the bus to cover its whole journey.<br>
#<b>Finding nearest bus stops to MRT station.</b><br>Since MRT stations are the most important source as well as destination for the Bus commuters, So the distance to/from a Bus Stop is always of utmost importance. So, for these hotspots we have to find the nearest bus stop and optimize them, if possible. For example, If a bus service is already passing by the MRT and still it’s bus stop is quite far ( say more than 50m ) Then we can optimize it to the nearer one, if any. Also, if there’s a case that there is not even a single bus stop near an MRT station then we can propose to build one.
<div style="background:#000000; border:#002060; padding-left:15px; text-align:left;">   
<div style="background:#000000; border:#002060; padding-left:15px; text-align:left;">   
<font size = 3; color="#FFFFFF"><span style="font-family:Century Gothic;">TEST</span></font>   
<font size = 3; color="#FFFFFF"><span style="font-family:Century Gothic;">Early Prototype</span></font>   
Phasellus elementum metus vitae lacus accumsan elementum. Vestibulum suscipit est vel augue mollis dignissim. Integer malesuada tortor nunc, eu dapibus est interdum aliquet. Sed sollicitudin lorem ut justo finibus, vel vestibulum sapien imperdiet. Etiam nisi neque, tempor in elementum vitae, sollicitudin vel felis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer efficitur, metus eu auctor luctus, dui eros scelerisque lorem, mollis dapibus urna velit at odio. Suspendisse dictum, nibh nec vestibulum finibus, orci urna rutrum ante, at pharetra erat risus at odio. Etiam sed mauris sem. Nulla vestibulum eros sollicitudin arcu laoreet efficitur. Phasellus porttitor quis nibh sed rutrum. Donec sit amet magna id mi malesuada congue. Ut porta, massa id eleifend fermentum, lacus leo rutrum dui, id accumsan leo eros et tortor. Phasellus elementum lacus eget odio scelerisque, vitae egestas quam sollicitudin. Cras lobortis libero tincidunt sagittis rhoncus. Donec quis nibh eu nibh consectetur tempus.  
Phasellus elementum metus vitae lacus accumsan elementum. Vestibulum suscipit est vel augue mollis dignissim. Integer malesuada tortor nunc, eu dapibus est interdum aliquet. Sed sollicitudin lorem ut justo finibus, vel vestibulum sapien imperdiet. Etiam nisi neque, tempor in elementum vitae, sollicitudin vel felis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer efficitur, metus eu auctor luctus, dui eros scelerisque lorem, mollis dapibus urna velit at odio. Suspendisse dictum, nibh nec vestibulum finibus, orci urna rutrum ante, at pharetra erat risus at odio. Etiam sed mauris sem. Nulla vestibulum eros sollicitudin arcu laoreet efficitur. Phasellus porttitor quis nibh sed rutrum. Donec sit amet magna id mi malesuada congue. Ut porta, massa id eleifend fermentum, lacus leo rutrum dui, id accumsan leo eros et tortor. Phasellus elementum lacus eget odio scelerisque, vitae egestas quam sollicitudin. Cras lobortis libero tincidunt sagittis rhoncus. Donec quis nibh eu nibh consectetur tempus.  

Revision as of 19:47, 15 June 2018

Optimization of Bus Routes and Bus Stops in Singapore






Brief Introduction

Transportation was always important be it in Singapore or other countries, in the past present or future. There are a couple of public transportation exist in Singapore; taxis, Singapore Bus Service Transit buses (SBS) or Mass Rapid Transit (MRT). However, this project will mainly focus on bus transportation method in Singapore.

Buses forms a significant part of public transport in Singapore, Singapore's bus system has an extensive network of routes covering most places in Singapore, with over 3.9 million rides taken per day on average as of 2016, and is the most economical way to get around, as well as being one of the most scenic.

There are more than 300 scheduled bus services, operated by SBS Transit, SMRT Buses, Tower Transit Singapore and Go-Ahead Singapore. The newest bus operator, Go-Ahead Singapore started operation from 4 September 2016. There are also around 4,600 buses currently in operation.


Public transportation plays a cardinal role in escalating the mobility, prosperity and connectivity of a community. The more the people are satisfied with the public transportation, the more they tend to use it. The more the people use public transportation, the higher are the chances of them not buying a personal vehicle. The higher the chances of people not buying a personal vehicle, the lesser we will see cars running on the road. The lesser the cars running on the road the lesser will be the pollution generated. So, If we look at the macro picture, we see that not only the society gets affected with public transportation system but also the whole world. And, everything then comes down to the satisfaction level of the people using it.

Our objective in taking up this project is to improve the efficiency and optimize the current Singapore bus route, and most importantly to increase the passenger satisfaction. If we are successfully able to determine the ways to split the buses that have very long travelling time, not only we will be able to reduce travelling time,but we will also able to reduce overcrowding problem that currently Singapore buses have. Also, if we successfully map the current bus route that pass through multiple stops in that area, we will be able to show LTA that there are still more rooms for improvement to increase customer satisfaction.

Issues and Problem

Some of the buses have too long traveling time in one routes. Usually this type of bus has 2 routes, circling around the area, then transit into highway into another area. This type of bus route can cause overcrowding in a bus, and passenger alighting at the end of the circle before the transit will be stuck with overcrowding. (need to be further explained)

Other problem that Singapore bus currently have is there are buses that do not stop in bus stops even though they are inside the bus coverage routes. This can create problem for elderly passenger (or passenger in special needs) as the passenger needs to walk to the other bus stops even though there are bus stops near the passenger place that the bus pass through. (need to be further explained)


Some of the challenges that we will encountered in this project:

  1. Finding appropriate longest route with longer time.
    This is not only a road block but the first stepping stone. As the we aim to optimize the bus routes we need to spot the longest routes with the longer time. Once we are done with this we can investigate further on how close the bus stops are on the way and how can we decrease the the time taken by the bus to cover its whole journey.
  2. Finding nearest bus stops to MRT station.
    Since MRT stations are the most important source as well as destination for the Bus commuters, So the distance to/from a Bus Stop is always of utmost importance. So, for these hotspots we have to find the nearest bus stop and optimize them, if possible. For example, If a bus service is already passing by the MRT and still it’s bus stop is quite far ( say more than 50m ) Then we can optimize it to the nearer one, if any. Also, if there’s a case that there is not even a single bus stop near an MRT station then we can propose to build one.

Early Prototype

Phasellus elementum metus vitae lacus accumsan elementum. Vestibulum suscipit est vel augue mollis dignissim. Integer malesuada tortor nunc, eu dapibus est interdum aliquet. Sed sollicitudin lorem ut justo finibus, vel vestibulum sapien imperdiet. Etiam nisi neque, tempor in elementum vitae, sollicitudin vel felis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer efficitur, metus eu auctor luctus, dui eros scelerisque lorem, mollis dapibus urna velit at odio. Suspendisse dictum, nibh nec vestibulum finibus, orci urna rutrum ante, at pharetra erat risus at odio. Etiam sed mauris sem. Nulla vestibulum eros sollicitudin arcu laoreet efficitur. Phasellus porttitor quis nibh sed rutrum. Donec sit amet magna id mi malesuada congue. Ut porta, massa id eleifend fermentum, lacus leo rutrum dui, id accumsan leo eros et tortor. Phasellus elementum lacus eget odio scelerisque, vitae egestas quam sollicitudin. Cras lobortis libero tincidunt sagittis rhoncus. Donec quis nibh eu nibh consectetur tempus.