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<font size = 3; color="#EEEEEE">Data Sets</font>   
“ALL BIRDS.zip” contain calls and songs from the known birds in the Boonsong Lekagul Wildlife Preserve. These files are MP3 format and are of varying lengths. AllBirdsv4.csv” is the metadata file for the bird sounds files.  The File ID field is the index to the file names in the ALL BIRDS file collection.  The English_name is the common English name for the particular bird.  The Vocalization_type is the kind of bird sound it is: a call, a song, or some other particular sound. Quality is a score A, B, C, D, or E.  These provide a qualitative measure of the quality of the bird sound, e.g., purity, lack of background noise, and so on.
“Lekagul Roadways 2018” is a 200 x 200 pixel map of the Preserve, with general indications of roadways through the site.  The coordinates from AllBirdsv4 should be considered from bottom left to top right, (0,0) to (199,199).  The alleged dumping site for the Kasios waste products was centered around coordinates (148,40).  Its extent has not been thoroughly studied.
“Test Birds from Kasios” are the bird sounds Kasios claims as Pipits from across the Preserve.  All of these recording were taken over the past couple of months.  “Test Bird Locations” indicate where in the pixel map the bird sounds were recorded.
Following are the available data sets for this study.
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Lekagul Preserve bird sounds audio files
Format: .MP3
Metadata file for bird sounds: “AllBirdsv4.csv”
File ID, English_name, Vocalization_type, Quality, Time, Date, X, Y<br>
Test Birds from Kasios: “Test Bird Locations.csv”
The Lekagul Preserve map: "Lekagul Roadways 2018.bmp"
Size: 200x200 Pixel<br>

Latest revision as of 13:10, 30 March 2019