Course Resources
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Desktop GIS: QGIS
- Learning QGIS
- A Gentle Introduction to GIS [4]
- QGIS Blog
All About R
Geospatial Data Handling and Processing
- sp
- sf
Geospatial Mapping and Geovisualisation
- ggplot2 & ggMap
- tmap
Geospatial Data Analytics
- spdep
- stplanr
Geospatial Database
- PostGIS [10]
- Learning PostGIS
- Introduction to PostGIS [11]
Geospatial Server
- General
- Learning GeoServer
- Introduction to GeoServer [17]
- GeoServer Implementation
Geospatial Web Client API
- General
- Learning Leaflet
- Leaflet Tutorials [28]
- Getting started with Leaflet [29]
- Leaflet Visualization: Places Traveled [30]
- Leaflet: Setup & Basemap [31]
- Leaflet: GeoJSON Data [32]
- Build stylish, scalable maps using Leaflet.js [33]
- The ‘Why Not The Best’ map: thematic mapping with Leaflet [34]
- Leaflet: Make a web map! [35]
- CSVs and Leaflet: the ultimate resource [36]
- How to create cluster points in Leaflet [37]
- Time Series Proportional Symbol Maps with Leaflet and jQuery [38]
- Let's make some web maps using Leaflet.js! [39]
- Learning Video
- Leaflet related blogs
- Thematic Mapping [43]
OpenLayers 3
- Learning OpenLayers 3
- OpenLayers related blogs
- Thematic Mapping [52]
- OpenLayers Applications
- OpenLayers Examples [53]
- Practical OpenLayers 3 & Leaflet [54]
- Geospatial
- Sample application
- Choropleth with interactive parameters for NYC data visualization[66]
- Flows of refugees between the world countries in 2008 [67]
- Creating the Earth with D3.js [68]
- Calculating quadtree bounding boxes and displaying them in leaflet[69]
- DataMaps [70]
- Cartograms with d3 & TopoJSON [71]
- Earthquakes in Chile since 1900 [72]
- White House Petitions [73]
- US airports [74]
- Drought during Month[75]
- Drought Extends, Crops Wither [76]
Useful Tools
- Mr Data Convertor: Tool to convert Excel/CSV into json/actionscript/xml
- ogr2ogr:Steps to convert shp file to geojson
- My Geodata Converter This page helps you to convert a SHP file to GEOJson online. Also allows you to select the headers of the data that you actually want
- CSV to HTML101 webmap [77]