ISSS608 2017-18 T1 Assign LIM LIANG DANNY GroundZeroLocation

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Viral infection.jpg Smartpolis Epidemic Outbreak | A Visual Detective Journal

Epidemic Outbreak

Ground Zero Location

Epidemic Spread


Visual Application

Where’s the message coming from?


Base on the information given on the epidemic spread, the symptoms can be categorised into 2 type of epidemic diseases, namely Respiratory and Gastrointestinal infections.

Symptoms related to Respiratory Infection are flu, fever, sweats, chills, cough and sore throat.
Symptoms related to Gastrointestinal Infection are stomachache, diarrhea, nausea, vomit, cough and sore throat.

By filtering the key words from the messages base on the two categories of symptoms, there is a very clear concentration of symptoms messages located in two specific areas.

  • Respiratory related symptoms mainly concentrated in Downtown and Uptown zone and it clearly shows that the viral have already spread across the city into other zones.
  • Gastrointestinal related symptoms mainly concentrated in Smogtown, Plaineville, Westside and Villa zone and very much contained within this four zones.

Respiratory Related Symptoms


This tree map results serves as a very good alert indicator to put Downtown and Uptown on high alert red alert with the number of reported cases shown.

It is interesting to note that Downtown has the most number of reported case but as compared to it’s population density, Uptown has the higher overall population density ratio than downtown.

This also shows that these areas are highly contaminated with the respiratory virus and people residing in there will have a higher chance of contacting the respiratory diseases as compared to other zones in the city.

Gastrointestinal Related Symptoms


This tree map results serves as a very good alert indicator to put Plainville and Smogtown on high alert red alert with the number of reported cases shown.

It is interesting to note that Plaineville and Westside has more reported case as compared to Smogtown and Villa. This could give an indication that the epidemic spread for Gastrointestinal disease could have started from this 2 zone before spreading to Smogtown and Villa.

When did the outbreak starts?


Respiratory Viral Outbreak on 18th May 2011

The line graph (left) above shows that there is a surge in message related to Respiratory infection symptoms on 18 May 2011. Reported cases continue to spike on 19 May 2011 before subsiding in 20 May 2011.

Gastrointestinal Viral Outbreak on 19th May 2011

The line graph (right) above shows that there is a surge in message related to Gastrointestinal infection symptoms on 19 May 2011. Reported cases continue to spike on 20 May 2011 mainly in Plainville an Westside zone.

What causes the viral infection?


Since the viral outbreak for Respiratory diseases and Gastrointestinal diseases starts from 18 May and 19 May respectively, it makes very good sense to backtrack and take a look at the notable events that happen at least 3days before the outbreaks.

In total, 6 notable events was highlighted of which 4 are road accident related, 1 plane crash and 1 explosion. Out of the 6 events, 2 of them that falls on 17 May is a cause of concern. They are namely the Smogtown Explosion and Truck Accident on 610 between Plainville and Westside.

Key information from microblogs messages

  • Smogtown Explosion: Loud Explosion, Huge Smoke, Lasted for 9 hours from 11:00 AM to 08:00 PM
  • Truck Accident: Truck Topple, Truck Cashed, Fire Break Out, Spills from Truck Storage, Lasted for 11 hours from 09:00 AM to 08:00 PM

The above two incidents is highlighted that Smogtown and Runway 610 is a very possible Ground Zero location that causes the people to be sick and eventually the epidemic outbreak. Smoke from the Smogtown explosion is very likeable cause for the respiratory cases while the spills from the truck that could have flow into the vast river below the highway and contaminating the water might have causes gastrointestinal issues after consumption.