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Vaa1.jpg ISSS608 Visual Analytics and Applications Assignment








Since the infection symptoms transmitted mainly by Airborne and Waterborne. And it outbreak place was in the downtown. There are lots of emergency control to avoid the future transmission. The major emergency management is to deploy the treatment resources in the outbreak places, like downtown. And also deploy the treatment resources in the areas which already many people affected by the infection. The distribution should seemed as the distribution in Figure 9.

In the downtown, there should deployed more treatment resources, due to it was the major affected area. Then deployed the second level of the treatment resources in the affected areas which marked in yellow square in the Figure 9, such as corner town, Eastside, Southvills and so on.

After controlled the waterborne and airborne, and resolved the infections in the affected areas. It seemed that less treatment resources needed in those areas which were outside the affected area.

Waterborne Control

Airborne Control
