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== Background ==
== Background ==
=== Time Series Analysis ===
=== Case Application ===
=== Time Series Analysis ===
== Problem and Motivation ==
=== Clustering Analysis ===
== Data Preparation ==
== Application and Analysis == 
== Motivation ==
The real-estate market is ever growing and has more stakeholders. We are here to build an app that makes an analysis of the housing price market data in an easy and effective way by just a few clicks. Major stakeholders like economists and  agenst can get a a better understanding of the market using the different clustering methods and time series analysis and forecast analysis on geographic map.
=== Basic Time Series ===
== Objectives ==
=== Clustering ===
1. Efficient Interactive Dashbooard
2. Geographic Understanding
=== Forecasting ===
== Packages ==
== Data Source ==
Ceic Housing Price Index
== Methodology ==
=== Exploratory Analysis ===
We will explore the different trends of time-series data provided by the various economic data sets (Period cyclicity and seasonality). Different interactions of identified attributes might provide certain data insights that we can use for our analysis.
=== Explanatory Analysis ===
Relationships between our data will be explained based on our understanding of possible real-world events or causes. Using our CPI use-case as an example, the difference in CPI between the months of June and December can be explained as a result of the holiday seasons causing an increase of demand for clothing in December.
=== Predictive Analysis ===
We can use analytics techniques such as Exponential Smoothing and ARIMA to predict future trends of our time-series data, due to the data's cyclical and seasonal nature.
== Application ==
The proposed system would have three major functions:
'''Data Manipulation:'''
'''Data Exploration:'''
== Application Libraries & Packages ==
! Package Name !! Descriptions
! Package Name !! Descriptions
| ''Shiny''  || Interactive web applications for data visualization
| ''RShiny''  || Interactive web applications for data visualization
| ''Tidyverse: tidyr, dplyr, ggplot2''  || Tidying and manipulating data for visualizing in ggplot2
| ''Tidyverse: tidyr, dplyr, ggplot2''  || Tidying and manipulating data for visualizing in ggplot2
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| ''timetk''  || Extracting/checking of datetime index from ts objects
| ''timetk''  || Extracting/checking of datetime index from ts objects
| ''stringr''  || String manipulation
| ''DT''  || Sortable data table UI element for model accuracy measures
| ''cowplot''  || Graph arrangement of ''ggplots'' in a single renderPlot function
| ''shinycssloaders''  || Loading animation for large data loading and model training

Revision as of 02:20, 1 December 2017







Time Series Analysis

Case Application

Problem and Motivation

Data Preparation

Application and Analysis

Basic Time Series




Package Name Descriptions
RShiny Interactive web applications for data visualization
Tidyverse: tidyr, dplyr, ggplot2 Tidying and manipulating data for visualizing in ggplot2
Shinythemes Provide consistent UI elements for aesthetics
forecast, broom, sweep Packages used to "tidy" data models for easy forecasting. Forecast package uses ts objects that is difficult to manipulate. sw_sweep from the sweep package uses broom-style tidiers to extract model infomation into 'tidy' data frames. sweep package also uses timekit at the back-end to maintain the original time series index throughout the whole process.
tibbletime Time-based data subsetting
lubridate Easy manipulation of datetime data
timetk Extracting/checking of datetime index from ts objects