ISSS608 2016-17 T3 Assign ASMIT ADGAONKAR Feedback&Comments

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Revision as of 19:56, 16 July 2017 by Asmita.2016 (talk | contribs)
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Feedback from Eric Prabowo:


  • Overall dashboard design is good
  • Dashboard map colors could be made better (suggested lighter colors)
  • Dashboard readings are separated for each chemicals, with gaps (better to have it on an aggregated view)
  • Colorful monitor wind rose: monitor can be differentiated better with text instead of colors (knowing 9 monitors exists)


  • Dashboard and charts overall shows clear measurements
  • Boxplot only shows outliers on sensor data readings, how can wind flow help on the impact for the boxplot graph (suggestion: boxplot might be good if converted to daily or weekly view, and bring it to the interactive dashboard)
  • Horizon graph is good, showing a clear result of sensor data reading patterns

Hi Asmit,

Thanks for giving me the opportunity to provide feedback on your assignment. Overall, you have surely looked at the problem from various angles and tried various visualizations which were interesting to read and understand.

Here are my two cents:

Question 1: - Use of box plot for spotting outliers is a good idea. - It would be helpful if you could show a visualization to support your table that shows that Monitor 5 has failed to collect readings for Methylosmolene - To depict 3 months readings of all the monitors suggest use of Stacked Column chart or line graph instead of bubble plot

Question2: - Interesting to see that you have categorized the wind on the basis of intensity and further carried out analysis on that basis - Use of horizon graph to read patterns is a great visualization too.

Question 3: - Your analysis will surely help the wildlife reserve regulate the factories with specific chemicals emitted by them

Hope this helps!

Best Regards,


Thanks Eric and Dipti for your feedback

1. Regarding the discrepancy seen around the box plot by both of you, I can confirm that the box plot worksheet when hovered around tells the end user the Monitor number and the time of the day when the monthly readings were high (eg. 34) or low(26) for that chemical. As a result some of the comments around these may not apply entirely. I'll try and incorporate a better screenshot on the wiki. 2. The wind rose color as pointed out by Eric is per wind speed category (calm, light air, light breeze, gentle breeze, moderate breeze) and not as per each of the monitors.

Thanks again Team!!

Regards Asmit