Talk:ISSS608 2016-17 T3 Assign CHUA GIM HONG
Mandi.luo.2016 (talk) For the question 1, how did you measure the number of pixels in QGIS? Did you use the Measure Line function in QGIS?
The number of pixels is counted in QGIS visually, or in JMP Pro using grids (see Figures 1 and 2). I did not use the Measure Line function in QGIS. (talk)
Thanks for the detailed report! I learnt a lot from reading it :)
For the images in Qn 2, you might want to consider different representations of the various feature types (e.g. using outlines). The red arrows and texts are a little distracting as there are too many of them on the same image.
From: Ngo Siew Hui
Thank-you for highlighting this. As Mitch and myself are racing against time to save the Rose-Crested Blue Pipit bird, by applying Text Analytics in additional to Visual Analytics, we will incorporate in the next version. Time is running out. We have only until end Jul and early Aug before the species disappear from the earth forever.
Reply: Chua Gim Hong
Critic by Sivagamy Balamourougane
Hello CHUA GIM HONG, thank you for asking me to critic on your work. Well thought insights. I haven't worked on this question, so really gained a good understanding of this question after going through you insights.
1. Yu have use arrow to point out the areas in a few figures (example, figure 3). It would be great if you could include circles or squares for pointing out.
2. Not exactly sure what am i looking for in figure 9.
1. In figure 7(a)(2), the color could be made darker depending on you area of interest.
Thank-you for highlighting these. Thank-you for highlighting this. As Mitch and myself are racing against time to save the Rose-Crested Blue Pipit bird, by applying Text Analytics in additional to Visual Analytics, we will incorporate in the next version. Time is running out. We have only until end Jul and early Aug before the species disappear from the earth forever.
Reply: Chua Gim Hong