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Overall, very interesting analysis and easy to understand visuals.

For the first two graphs, please explore if you can improve on the clarity by (1) aligning the title with the description/labels on both axes (2) sorting the colour legends in the same order as the graphs and (3) using percentile on vertical axes to avoid cluttering of low values near the horizontal axes.

For the next five graphs, please explore increasing the size of the images and the above suggestions.

When using the map, please explore a larger image so that the fonts on the maps are large enough.

Feedback by Akanksha Mittal

Hi Sanghavy, you have put nice efforts in your work. But there are few points that I would like to highlight which we learnt in class as well as through reader’s perspective.
Reader’s perspective:
1. The last point in “Vehicle Activities” section is not supported by any visual. It will be better if you can provide one.
1. For all the line graphs especially in “Vehicle Activities” section, inking can be done to darken the axis values a bit. It is too light.
2. In the maps used for showing unusual patterns for 4 axle trucks, you can reduce the width of the line to show connectivity.
1. In “Vehicle Activities” section, labels are missing in the graph.