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Wind Speed Trends:


Wind speed analysis is done to understand the speed of the wind for each month and identify the day that experienced a lot of chemical release due to the wind speed. The charts shown describe the wind speed for each chemical released on a particular day. The colour referes to the average reading of chemical and the thickness of the lines represent the wind speed intensity.
There is no wind data available from 1st August to 3rd August. So the findings are based on rest of the days in July, August and December.

Wind speed trends for each chemical:
1. AGOG- 3A:
In July, high amount of AGOG-3A chemical was released on two days and on those days the wind speed was low.
In August, 13th experienced a high reading of this chemical , and all the peak wind speed days experienced above average AGOG -3A release.
In December, above average release of AGOG-3A is uniformly observed throughout the month.

In July and August have relatively low reading and the wind speed has no impact on the release of Methylosmolene.
In December, it is observed that on the days of low wind speed, the release of Methylosmolene is high when compared to the days with high wind speed.