ISSS608 2016-17 T3 Assign ZHOU YUHUI Visualization
“Patterns of Life” analyses depend on recognizing repeating patterns of activities by individuals or groups. Describe up to six daily patterns of life by vehicles traveling through and within the park. Characterize the patterns by describing the kinds of vehicles participating, their spatial activities (where do they go?), their temporal activities (when does the pattern happen?), and provide a hypothesis of what the pattern represents (for example, if I drove to a coffee house every morning, but did not stay for long, you might hypothesize I’m getting coffee “to-go”). Please limit your answer to six images and 500 words.
1) Entrance Visitor Flow:
Cars of Type 1,2 and 3 usually enter the preserve park between 6AM to 5PM during day time, and they do not have strong preference for any specific entrance. Yet when they exit, there are obviously more cars taking exit 3, from 6AM all the way to 12PM.
2) Day Camper
3) Day Visitor
4) Overnight Camper
5) Overnight Visitor
6) Ranger
1) Overview: Calendar graph
2)Monthly Pattern: Daylight Saving Time?
3)Weekly Held Summer Camps:
1. No.of Stops vs Overall time spent
2. "Gate" Visitors at night
3. "ranger-stop" Visitors at night
4. "ranger-stop" Visitors during daytime
5. Too many "Camping" records.