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BlinkyBluebirds Sivagamy.gif ISSS608 ASSIGNMENT - MINI CHALLENGE 1 2017




Traffic Patterns of Life through the Boonsong Lekagul Nature Preserve Waterfalls.jpg

Q1 Patterns of Daily Life

The 'Patterns of Daily Life' analyses depend on recognizing repeating patterns of activities by individuals or groups on a daily basis.

Ranger Patrol Period

  • There is no ranger Patrol from 3 AM till 6 AM on weekdays except on fridays. ON thursdays the 'no patrol period' extends for an hour - from 2 AM till AM
  • On Saturdays, there is no patrol from 1 AM till 6 AM.
  • The 'no patrol period' may be because of the lesser traffic on these periods or it may be that the early morning period (3 AM till 6 AM) is a very precious period for the Flora and the rangers had this 'no patrol period' specifically not to disturb them.

Ranger Stops

  • The least accessed gate is the ranger-base, which makes sense as it is located at the south east corner of the preserve and there is no need for the use of this gate by other vechicles. Also it is possible that only the ragers use this gate and other vechicle are restricted for access.
  • The ranger-stop 0 and ranger-stop 2 are accessible by all vechicle types, as these are located inbetween the the general-gate 1 and general-gate 2. As these ranger - stops acts as the shortest path between the general gates 1 and 2, other vechicles are given access to pass through these gates.
  • Whereas the other ranger-stops are not accessed by vehicles other than ranger vechicle which could mean that the these gates are prohibited for other vechicle types or as all ranger-stops except (0 and 2) are located away from paths and there is no need for other vechicles to access this path.

Peak Hours

  • The peak hours are from 6 AM till 5 PM for all the vechicle types except for the buses (both 2 axel and 3 axel).
  • For vechicle type, 2 axel (cars or mootorbikes) this may be because they are tourists who must have come for activities such as bird watching, photo shooting, cycling, hiking or simply for sight seeing for which sunlight is necessary.


  • All vehicle types except Buses use the camping sites.
  • The most commonly used campaign gates are campaign 8 and campaign 5, it is most likely due to the location of these campaigns. Both these campaigns are located on the outer boundary of the reserve and also it is nearer to other gates.
  • The least used campaign is campaign 1, most probably as it is isolated or located far from the other gates.


  • Both 2 axel and 3 axel buses only use the gate type - General gates, entrance gate and ranger stop (only 0 and 2) gates and most of these gates lie on the outer boundary of the preserve.
  • Also buses don't visit or pass through any Campaign stops or Gate stops.
  • This could mean that these vehicle types, buses use the preserve as a by pass to move from one city to another.
  • It is also possible that some of these buses are owned by the light manufacturing factories for transporting the workers in and out of the factory on various shifts.

Q2 Patterns of Long period

The 'Patterns of Long period' analyses depend on recognizing repeating patterns of activities by individuals or groups over a longer period (multiple days).

Summar Season

  • The number of visitors starts to increase from the month of May and reaches its peak during the month of July, this can be explained as a seasonal effect.
  • In summer, the daylight lasts longer for the visitors to have some extra time to enjoy the Flora and Fauna.
  • It is also the holiday season, so people often travel to areas like these to have a calm and peaceful day.

Winter Season

  • The number of visitors drop considerably after november, this can be explained as a seasonal effect.
  • In winter, the flowers wither and the animals don't come out. So, this can be the main reason for the drop in the visits during the last quarter of the year.

Days of the week

  • Sunday and Saturday during the months of Summer (May to August) have more visitors comapred to the other days. One exception is Friday's on the month of July, which seems to the the highest number of visitors among all days of the week.
  • This might be due to the holiday month, where people start goign on a trip even during the weekdays.

Unusual Patterns

Analysis to find out patterns that differs from the ones that are already observed or anomalies.

Ranger stops accessed by 4-axel trucks

  • The pattern we have observed so far for the ranger stops seems to change for the 4-axle trucks, which seems to visit ranger stops 3 and 6.
  • This might be an illegal entry in which case the rangers need to be more careful.
  • Another possibility is that it might be an authorized entry for delivering some supplies for the preserves in which case it seems reasonable that it goes around to 4 of the ranger stops namely ranger stops 0, 2, 3 and 6.