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'''Accessing the application:''' <br/>
'''Accessing the application:''' <br/>
Please visit https://mandiluo.shinyapps.io/The_Indian_Story/  to try out our '''CenViz'''!
Please visit https://mandiluo.shinyapps.io/The_Indian_Story/  to try out our '''CenViz'''!

Revision as of 22:36, 6 August 2017

Banner.png Group 9-The Indian Story

Project Proposal

Data Preparation




Accessing the application:
Please visit https://mandiluo.shinyapps.io/The_Indian_Story/ to try out our CenViz!

Installation Requirements:
As there is a limitation of the micromap with the official Shiny server, user can only directly access the first two tabs of the application using any web browsers, with no additional installation requirement. If you are also interested in the micromap, please follow the two steps to explore it with your local shiny server:
1. Download the application scripts and dataset files from App Code & Supporting Files
2. Install R and RStudio and some essential packages(shiny, tidyverse, rgdal, ggmap, tmap, RColorBrewer, data.table, tidyr, micromap, shinythemes, treemap, plotly, d3treeR, plyr) to launch our application.
Note: If you have problems in installing the package "d3treeR", please refer to http://www.buildingwidgets.com/blog/2015/7/22/week-29-d3treer-v2.