ISSS608 2016 17 T1 Project Team 12 Report

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The HDB car parking system in Singapore is a very mature one. This project aims to visualize this car parking system currently implemented in Singapore and find insights of what types of car parkings are there and how they are distributed across the country. The various types of car parking are understood and visualized. These car parking systems are broken down area-wise and block-wise and visualized using various tools and visualizations such as hierarchical tree and sunburst diagrams. The information about HDB carparks is obtained from

Theme of Interest and Motivation

Being a small country in terms of area but having high number of vehicles, Singapore has a very efficient and effective car parking system. So we are very intrigued with the management of parking in various manners across the country. By this project, we will create different visualizations that will help us develop insights which can explain different patterns of car parking systems in different areas of Singapore.

Review and critique on past works

Design Framework

Data Preparation

  1. The data available was quite small and did not have the area codes. As we decided to segregate the car parking based on the areas in Singapore, we processed the addresses of the parking lots and picked out the key areas for each parking. We used the HDB dataset from to extract the key areas in which the country is divided. Following is the snippet of the python code that was used to do this processing.
Sample code snippet to process areas based on address

  1. csv to json
Sample code snippet to process json from csv for d3.js visualizations

Sunburst visualization to view the percent of HDB car parks across different areas.

This diagram has been generated using d3.js. The name of this visualization is bread crumb sunburst and is used to see the distribution of HDBs in each of the locations

View of Bukit Merah in Sunburst (6.62% share)

Zoomable Sunburst to have a closer look of the parking system.

This diagram has been generated using d3.js. It helps us get an overall view of the entire dataset, and by clicking on each of the tabs we can zoom into each of the areas.

View of Bukit Merah in Zoomable Sunburst
Closer view of a block in Zoomable Sunburst

Tree Graph for visualizing hierarchical structure that explains different types of car parking systems.

The Tree graph is created which can give us the clear picture of which car parking systems are implemented in which areas and in which blocks. Following is the graph generated using d3.js.

Tree view of the Parking system

Interactive dashboard to view different type of parking systems in different areas.

The interactive dashboard is an exploratory and fun way to discover the insights for the car parking system. It comprises of interactive map which gives us flexibility of selecting the areas and identify the types of car park system in that area. We also use parameters in filters that help us in determining number of particular car park systems in the particular area.

Map view of Singapore with different parking types


Taking into account the visualizations that we created, we found some interesting insights from those which are mentioned below:

  1. Currently Bukit Merah has the maximum number of parking lots. This is based on the assumption that all the HDBs have equal number of parking lots. Bukit Merah has more than 6% of the total number of the HDB parking lots
  2. Downtown Area and woodlands have the highest number of night time parkings due the the large distribution of taxi parkings and residential areas
  3. Number of car parks are the highest in Bukit Merah due its proximity to the down town area
  4. Currently of all the areas Jurong West has the highest number of electronic parking's
  5. Marine Parade is the only area with only Electronic Parking system
  6. Woodlands has the highest number of coupon parking's
  7. SengKang has the highest number of HDBs with multi-storey carparks, which is at 94
  8. Gaylang has the highest number of surface carparks, which is at 92
  9. Jurong West has the maximum HDBs with free carparkings between 7AM and 10:30PM on Sunday and PH. Jurong West has very large number of free parking on saturday and sunday due to the large number of people at Jurong Point
  10. Woodlands has the maximum number of HDBs with car parks for the entire day
  11. Woodlands and Bukit Merah have the maximum number of HDBs with Night Carparks
  12. Sembwang has the highest share of Night Carparks

Future Works

