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<Font size =5>'''Analytical Dashboard Design'''</font>
<font size = 3>[[Media:ISS608_Lesson10.pdf|Lesson 10 slides]]</font>
== Content ==
Introduction to Dashboard
*  What is a Dashboard
*  Categorising dashboard
*  Typical dashboard data
*  Presentation dashboard vs analytical dashboard
Thirteen Common Mistakes in Dashboard Design 
*  Exceeding the boundaries of a single screen
*  Supplying inadequate context for the data
*  Displaying excessive detail or precision
*  Choosing a deficient measure
*  Choosing inappropriate display media
*  Introducing meaningless variety
*  Using poorly designed display media
*  Encoding quantitative data inaccurately
*  Arranging the data poorly
*  Highlighting important data ineffectivelly or Not at All
*  Cluttering the display with useless decoration
*  Misusing or overusing colour
*  Designing an unattractive visual display
How to design dashboard people love to use
*  Creating a solid foundation
*  Frame out the storyboard
*  Identify the building bloacks
*  Remember the data visualisation principles
*  Usability as one of the key success factor
Specialised Graphical Methods for Information Dashboard
* Bullet graphs
* Sparklines and Bandlines
== Hands-on Session ==
*  Designing a business dashboard using Tableau Public
*  Designing an analytical dashboard using Panopticon EX Designer
== Daily Readings ==
{| border="1" cellpadding="1"
|width="40pt"|Time required
|Day 1||60 mins||
Dashboard Confusion [http://www.perceptualedge.com/articles/ie/dashboard_confusion.pdf]
Dashboard Confusion Revisited [http://www.perceptualedge.com/articles/visual_business_intelligence/dboard_confusion_revisited.pdf]
Dashboard Alerts Checklist [http://www.juiceanalytics.com/writing/dashboard-alerts-checklist/]
|Day 2||60 mins||
Dashboard Design for Rich and Rapid Monitoring [http://www.perceptualedge.com/articles/visual_business_intelligence/dd_for_rapid_monitoring.pdf]
Pervasive Hurdles to Effective Dashboard Design [http://www.perceptualedge.com/articles/visual_business_intelligence/pervasive_hurdles_to_dd.pdf]
Assessing the Effectiveness of a New Dashboard’s Design [http://www.perceptualedge.com/blog/?p=672]
|Day 3||60 mins||
A Guide to Creating Dashboards People Love to Use [http://bit.ly/DashboardsPeopleLoveToUse]
Bullet Graph Design Specification [http://www.perceptualedge.com/articles/misc/Bullet_Graph_Design_Spec.pdf]
Dashboard Design: Taking a Metaphor Too Far [http://www.perceptualedge.com/articles/dmreview/dashboard_design.pdf]
|Day 4||60 mins||
Sparkline theory and practice Edward Tufte [http://www.edwardtufte.com/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=0001OR]
Best Practices for Scaling Sparklines in Dashboards [http://www.perceptualedge.com/articles/visual_business_intelligence/best_practices_for_scaling_sparklines.pdf]
Introducing Bandlines [http://www.perceptualedge.com/articles/visual_business_intelligence/introducing_bandlines.pdf] 
|Day 5||60 mins||
Why Most Dashboards Fail [http://www.perceptualedge.com/articles/misc/WhyMostDashboardsFail.pdf]
Patent Failure: The USPTO’s Oversized but Undernourished New Dashboard [http://www.perceptualedge.com/blog/?p=832]
Oracle—Have you no shame? [http://www.perceptualedge.com/blog/?p=784]
The Vicious Cycle of Data Impoverishment [http://www.perceptualedge.com/blog/?p=756]
== References ==
Stephen Few (2013)(2nd Edition) '''Information Dashboard Design''', Analytics Press, USA.
[[Talk:Lesson10|Discussion Lesson 10]]

Revision as of 21:34, 29 October 2016