IS428 2016-17 Term1 Assign3 Joachim Fu Jun Hao

From Visual Analytics for Business Intelligence
Revision as of 15:59, 22 October 2016 by Joachim.fu.2013 (talk | contribs) (Problem and motivation)
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Problem & Motivation

After the 2014 kidnapping incident, GAStech moved into the new three story building, hoping for a significant improvement. However the varying morale of employees in the company has brought about concerns for the management. The new office is said to be built to have the highest efficiency standard. However, there is still work to be done to monitor the HVAC zones. Two types of sensors are placed, fixed and mobile types. These sensors are meant to measure and report on building temperatures, heating and cooling system status. Each zone has a fixed sensor. Recently, a new potentially dangerous substance was discovered called Hazium. Despite the installation of sensors, it was only a small amount due to its high costs.

As such, GAStech incorporated the following measures:

  1. Security
  2. Building Facilities
  3. Energy usage

Data Analysis

Data Transformation & Structure

Data Visualisation

Observations & Patterns
