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Eight Principles of Data Visualization

While Bell’s article does provide a good recommendation on the principles that we should follow when creating our own visualizations, the problem lies with a few principles that might actually do more harm than good.

One of the principles is “Add small multiples”. The author states that small repeated variations of a graphic side-by-side allow for quick visual comparison, but he fails to recognize that too many graphics might actually cause confusion to the readers. He notes that scales and axis should be kept the same for comparison. However, he did not identify the target audience that such principle will be useful for. Some readers might be forced to shift attention back and forth between the exact graph and scrutinize on the thumbnail graphs in order to make comparisons.

Additionally, the author also mentioned that traditional business charts are no longer enough to analyze complex data, but he fails to distinguish that it depends on who your audience are. We need to factor in the reader’s numeracy level, literacy level or even how much time do they have to create that visualization? We cannot simply create a chart for a group of economists or statisticians and use it for a group of high school principals, and vice versa. We need to create a chart that will add value for the readers (Emery, 2014).

In conclusion, this article effectively accomplished its purpose in delivering the eight principles to create a good visualization. The article also gave examples and scenarios to support and explain how these principles can be applied into various situations to answer multi-faceted questions. However, a few additional research and sources will be essential to further support these principles.

Bell, R. (2012, August 17). Eight Principles of Data Visualization. Retrieved from
Emery, A.K. (2014, May 1). The Dataviz Design Process: 7 Steps for Beginners. Retrieved from
--Lim Kim Yong