IS428 2016-17 Term1 Assign2 Lim Ting Zhi
Theme of Interest
Regardless of the organisation or industry, having a safe work environment is very important. Any injury could cause a major issue to the victim’s family, co-workers or the organisation itself. Other than the mental and physical suffering, the financial burden could be placed on other family members. For the organisation, having a safe environment would lessen unnecessary costs. If an employee is injured, the organisation’s productivity will decline. Other co-workers' workload will increase to cover for the victim. Safety also improves the quality of work produced as employees would be focusing on their work than their safety. Therefore, the following analysis would be to find out the factors that contribute to workplace injuries by using the dataset provided, Workplace Injuries Data 2014. So that related organisations or industries could keep in mind to reduce the number of workplace injuries occurred.
General Questions for Investigation
- How did the workers get injured?
- Where did the workers get injured at?
- What are the injuries?
- What is the profile of the worker?
- When did the workers get injured?
Tools Utilized
The following tools were utilized during the analysis:
- Microsoft Excel 2016
- JMP Pro 12 – Data preparation
- Tableau 10.0 – Create visualizations and interactive dashboards, and publish final visualization online
Data Attributes Used
- Accident Agency Level 1 Desc
- Accident Agency Level 2 Desc
- Accident Day
- Accident Time
- Accident Type level 2 Category
- Accident Type Level 2 Desc
- Accident Weekday
- Body Parts Injured
- Cause
- Injured When Working Overtime
- Injured While Performing Official Work Duties
- Major Industry (SSIC 2010)
- Major Injury Indicator
- Months worked
- Nature of Injury
- Occupation
- Pct Manual Work
- Sub Industry (SSIC 2010)
- Supposed Start Work Timing on Day Injured
- Victim's Age (Reported Yr - Birth Yr)
- Victim's Employment Start Date
- Victim's Gender
Data Preparation
1. Remove unnecessary data attributes
2. Check through missing data patterns
There is a total of 33 rows that have some missing data. The data attributes that have missing data are Supposed Start Work Timing on Day Injured, Victim's Employment Start Date and Months Worked. As the missing data is relatively small, I had chosen to ignore them. |
3. Transform text formats
There is a total of 33 rows that have some missing data. The data attributes that have missing data are Supposed Start Work Timing on Day Injured, Victim's Employment Start Date and Months Worked. As the missing data is relatively small, I had chosen to ignore them. |
4. Remove unnecessary words
5. Recode occupation attribute
6. Transform time formats
7. Setting up Hierarchy