IS428 2016-17 Term1 Assign2 Jonathan Eduard Chua Lim

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Problem and Motivation

In recent times, there had been growing interest in Workplace Safety since the legislation for Workplace Safety and Health Act take into effect in September 2011 (WSH, 2015). This is to protect the workers mainly from any hazards that they may encounter during their work. This is also for other stakeholders to understand the importance of Workplace Safety and to inculcate Workplace Safety in their respective companies.

Having personally worked in a manufacturing firm during my recent internship, I have seen first-hand the importance of safety in the workplace, and the active promotion of safety in the company’s values. Good safety practices are talked about with the rest of the employees and shared to other factories around the Asia Pacific Region and beyond.


The theme of this project is Championing Workplace Safety: Prevention is better than cure. The approach that I will have is to identify which particular industries have higher workplace lapses and to understand certain patterns unknown to stakeholders, so that they may be able to make better decisions for the improvement of workplace safety.

Stakeholders can be the business owners, government officials, non-government organisations and especially employees who could be working in industries where they need to watch for their own personal safety.


The following are the questions I have crafted for this task:

1.Which industry has the most major and minor injuries?
2.In a 24-hour period, which time period has the highest average medical leave (in days)?
3.Which industry has the average longest medical leave?
4.Which month had the highest number of accidents?
5.What is the distribution of the age of the injured employees?
6.What are the common injuries per industry?

Data Cleaning

Step 1: Deleting of unnecessary columns
I have deleted the following columns and will be giving the reason(s) respectively:

Columns Deleted Reason(s) for doing so
Major Industry (SSIC 2010), 3 digit SSIC (2010), 2 digit SSIC (2010) and Org SSIC 2010 It is irrelevant with respect to the questions
Informant’s Name, Informant’s Company Name, Informant's Company Postal Code (District), Informant's No Of Employees, Informant Type The Geocoded information and the Informant Information is not relevant to answer the questions.
Accident Year, Occupier’s Name, Accident Type Level 2 Desc, Accident Type level 2 Category, Cause, Accident Type Level 2, Accident Agency Level 1 Desc, Accident Agency Level 1 Accident , Agency Level 2 Desc, Accident Agency Level 2, Employer's Name, Employer's SSIC, Victim's Employment Start Mth, Hospital / Clinic Treated or Examined These information are omitted because of its lack of relevance.

Step 2: Data Formatting I have done the following changes in Microsoft Excel

  • Reformatted “Reported Date” to dd-mmm-yyyy
  • Reformatted “Victim’s Employment Start Date” to “dd-mmm-yy”
  • Reformatted “Accident Date” to “dd-mmm-yy”

Step 3: Load the data onto Tableau

  • Convert “Accident Day” to Date Data Type
  • I used the “IF” and “ELSEIF” function to change the string value of “Injured While Performing Official Work Duties” from “T” and “F” to “True” and “False
  • I converted the column “Victim's Age (Reported Yr - Birth Yr)” to be a Bin, to be used for a histogram of the Victim’s age as of 2014 and the respective frequency.

Visualisations and Observations



Tools Used

Questions, Comments or Concerns