IS428 2016-17 Term1 Assign2 Bong Jun Hao
Theme of interest
As of May 2016, the number of workplace deaths has hit 32, 6 more than in the same period last year. This prevalence of workplace-related fatalities has prompted the authorities to raise penalties for offenders or employees with safety lapses, but the question lies in whether stricter or heavier penalties alone can curb this trend.
Furthermore, to what extent would this actually solve the issue? Currently the heavier penalties introduced includes longer stop work time, from 2 weeks increased to 3 weeks, as well as depriving companies of new foreign workers until they have sorted out their safety issues. All these measures only serve to "worsen the dire situation for meeting deadlines and financial penalties for errant companies", according to the Singapore Contractors Association.
Hence, this workplace safety issues has sparked my curiosity in understanding the reason behind these injuries, as well as to find out if there is any underlying relationships between the injuries such that it can be resolved and worked on to effectively reduce the number of such incidents in Singapore, rather than to use financial deterrents which seem to only add on the issues and pressure companies even more.
Questions for investigation
1. When do injuries occur the most throughout the year?
1. Which industry has the highest rate of workplace injuries?
2. Which body part(s) is most commonly injured?
3. Which gender is more prone to injuries?
4. Which age group is more prone to injuries at work?
5. When do injuries occur most often throughout the year?
6. Which time of the day would injuries occur most often?
=Data Preparation
The excel file given to us has some irrelevant columns, which I have removed.
1. Occupier's Name, Org SSIC (2010), 3-digit SSIC (2010) and 2-digit SSIC (2010) has been removed as they are not relevant or useful to the analysis required for this assignment.
Timing of injuries
Distribution of injuries throughout the year
In 2014, the injuries seem to occur least at the start and the end of the year. January had the lowest number of injuries at 57, followed by February with 246 and then December with 320 injuries.
The distribution of injuries between March to November is relatively fair with slight dips observed from October onwards.
To better find out and understand if there is a pattern in the injuries that occur across the day, I used a formula to extract out the hours where the injury occurred from the Accident Time column using the formula, "SPLIT(RIGHT(STR([Accident Time]),9),":",1)". This allows me to extract out only the hours where the incident occurred and also to plot a graph using three variables, the day of the week the injury occurred, the hour it occurred as well as how many times it occurred.
From this it can be observed that in general, Sundays tend to have the least number of injuries occurring. An interesting observation is that the peaks of injuries incident seems to occur between 10am-11am on all days, inclusive of Sundays.The second peak where injuries occur seems to be at between 2-4pm.