IS428 2016-17 Term1 Assign2 Tee Yu Xuan

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Theme of Interest

The theme selected in this project is regarding the workplace injuries happening in Singapore. The data being used is provided by Workplace Safety and Health Institute (WHS) for the Year of 2014.

Problem and Motivation

Safety has always been a huge concern for everyone, with the media focusing its attention on health issues such as viruses (Zika etc.) and even terrorist attacks, we often forget about the safety of the place we spend the most time at (other than our homes), the workplace.

Are the safety measures put in place by employers sufficient in preventing such incidents? What are the most common workplace incidents in Singapore? How can we minimize to our best ability the workplace hazards that might cause safety issues? This project aims to answer some of these questions with the workplace injuries reported 2014 and provide some insights on the workplace safety conditions in Singapore.

Questions for Investigation

  1. Which are the industries with the highest number workplace injuries?
  2. Which body parts are most commonly injured?
  3. Is there any relation between the body part injured and the industry? (Kitchen - more injuries to hands?)


Tools Utilized

  • Google Search Engine
  • Tableau
  • Filters and Excel functions that aids data cleaning




