IS428 2016-17 Term1 Assign1 Chua Feng Ru
Housing and residential properties have always been a hot topic in Singapore. Even with the cooling measures in place since 2013, the property market has yet to "cool down", and this means that there are opportunities for insights within the data. This project aims to allow students to go through the phases of 1) Data Compilation, 2) Data Cleaning & Transformation and 3) Visual Analysis of Data. The trends and analysis will be presented in an infographical form, where the static visualizations used in the infographics will be created by Tableau software. Lastly, policy recommendations will be recommended based on the trends or analysis.
Problem and Motivation
The main problem regarding Singapore's property market is the effectiveness of the property cooling measures, which has been put in place since year 2013. The property cooling measures are being put in place to prevent inflation of property price, and ultimately to prevent any financial vulnerabilities. With recent announcements from the government stating that the property cooling measure is here to stay, it is definitely relevant to take a closer look at the current situation and analyse the cause of the long presence of the property cooling measures.
The main variables involved would be the transaction prices or volumes, and the supply of the housing units.
Ultimately, the findings should address the question on how the current property cooling measures policy can be tweaked to effectively drive down the property prices so that the property cooling measures can be lifted.
Approaches: Describe the approaches used for examining and analyzing the data
Tools Utilized
This section describes the different technologies used throughout the project:
1. SAS Enterprise Guide (EG)
The SAS EG software is used to compile the transactional data, which comes in a few parts, to a single Comma-Seperated-Value (CSV) file. In addition, SAS EG also enables me to transform and consolidate the absolute values of the housing units. Lastly, it is also being used to perform preliminary data explorations, such as analysing the values and distributions of the data, to ensure that the data is valid.
2. Tableau 10.0 Software
Tableau is generally being used to create different visuals to allow visual analysis. It enables me to do a more in-depth analysis, as compared to SAS EG. The visuals, which contain certain findings, are then used in the infographics.
3. Pixelmator (Mac OS X)
Pixelmator allows me to handle images from Tableau and create high resolution images, which is required in creating an infographic.